Cancer screening: which tests can save lives

Cancer screening: which tests can save lives

Early detection of cancer is one of the most important health measures. Which examinations men and women can take for free.

If cancer is detected early, it can save lives. With the help of special check-ups, the first signs of cancer can be detected. The sooner this happens, the greater the chances of recovery. Anyone with statutory health insurance is entitled to various cancer prevention measures. The costs are usually covered by health insurance. You can find out here which examinations women and men should have regularly.

Early detection of cancer: preventive medical check-ups for women

Early cancer detection serves to discover possible changes in the tissue. At the time of the check-up, these do not have to have any painful or visible symptoms. According to the AOK, every fifth patient has already postponed an appointment for cancer screening beyond the recommended period. False lack of time and doubts about the procedures are among the most common reasons. But fear or just being lazy can also mean that one or the other check-up appointment falls into oblivion.

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However, letting the important appointments slip can have a negative impact on your health in the long term. Because from a medical point of view, the purpose of early detection is that localized and small tumors can be treated better than large tumors that may have already spread. Depending on gender and age, other examinations are the focus of early detection.

Medical check-ups for women: make sure to keep appointments

In order to prevent cancer or to be able to treat it more specifically, according to the German Cancer Aid, women should definitely have the following early detection examinations:

  • Cervical: Between the ages of 20 and 34, young women should have an annual Pap test for cervical cancer screening. From the age of 35, a co-test consisting of a PAP and HPV test is recommended every three years.
  • Breast: From the age of 30, statutory health insurance covers an annual palpation examination of the breasts. From the age of 50 to 69, a mammogram every two years.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: Up to the age of 25, a test for an infection with chlamydia is accepted for those with statutory health insurance.

Medical check-ups for men and women:

In addition to various early cancer detection tests, men and women can have a general health check-up every three years for the early detection of kidney, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The following cancer check-ups are also covered for both men and women:

  • Skin: For those with statutory health insurance, a screening is carried out every two years from the age of 35 by a certified doctor.
  • Colon: Various measures are adopted in men and women to prevent colon cancer. An immunological test for occult blood in the stool is recommended annually between the ages of 50 and 54. From the age of 55, this test is carried out every two years as long as no colonoscopy has been carried out. From the age of 55 (women) and from the age of 50 (men) it is also recommended to have two colonoscopies 10 years apart. If the first colonoscopy is performed at the age of 65 or older, the patients are also entitled to an examination.

Men are also entitled to an annual prostate examination, genital examination and palpation of the lymph nodes from the age of 45.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about clinical pictures.


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