Iris Mittenaere violently tackled by a surfer on her cellulite!

Iris Mittenaere violently tackled by a surfer on her cellulite!

Iris Mittenaere posted an innocuous photo on Instagram when a comment intrigued her. Indeed, a subscriber remarks to her that she has cellulite on her breasts. But it’s not about cellulite at all. We tell you more.

Iris Mittenaere reacts to a tackle

At the moment, Iris Mittenaere is on vacation with her darling Diego in Greece. She therefore shares beautiful photos on the networks. Especially since each year, the couple really likes to go to the Greek islands during the summer.

And in her photos, the young woman is often in a bathing suit or dress since she is near the sea. And in one photo, a user has the impression that she has seen cellulite on her breasts. She writes : ” But you have cellulite on your chest “.

Iris Mittenaere then decides to react to this comment under her photo. ” It’s stretch marks… should learn to tell the difference she responds to the comment. And she takes the opportunity to talk about it in a story to decomplex this subject.

Because this is not the first time that the former Miss France has been the victim of criticism of his physique. So this time isn’t too different. But it makes the young woman laugh. It is better to laugh it must be said!

People, really….It’s been a long time since I laughed so much at a com like that“. It must be said that succeeding in being mistaken between cellulite and stretch marks is quite original. She even adds a little more.

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A publication shared by Iris Mittenaere (@irismittenaeremf)

A tackle that does not pass on his stretch marks

So, Iris Mittenaere explains to her subscribers that she is at peace with her stretch marks. ” You don’t hide your stretch marks on your cleavage, you have the impression that everyone discovers that it exists. It’s OK ! I’ve had it since my teenage years on my thighs/buttocks… It doesn’t bother me at all (and neither does cellulite!)”

In any case, this is not the event that will spoil his vacation with Diego. Especially since this year, the young woman has spent less time with her darling. So there was some difficulties in the couplee. But nothing serious !

In any case, on Instagram, Iris Mittenaere reposts the famous photo with the stretch marks on her breasts. She comments on it: I don’t even catch myself anymore, I have so many on my thighs that I no longer see them that one “.

And it doesn’t bother her that much. In any case, for the moment, the program is relaxation in Greece. Even if the young woman continues to put Reals to please its subscribers. She also shares the latest episodes of Ninja Warrior.

Because we remember it, Iris Mittenaere is the host of the TF1 show. To see next year what will be the program of the former Miss France. Because we know, she would like to progress in the middle of the tv. Case to follow in a few weeks.


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