Around 60,000 people demonstrated in Prague for more rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. The police announced on Saturday. Many of the participants were wrapped in rainbow flags or wore colorful costumes.
The annual Prague Pride parade was also attended by prominent politicians, including Interior Minister Vit Rakusan and Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky. The colorful train through the city center was secured by numerous police officers, but passed without incident. Around a dozen counter-demonstrators held up ribbons with slogans such as “Czech Republic is not Sodom”.
Marriage for all, i.e. full equality for homosexual partnerships, is currently a controversial issue in the Czech Republic. A bill that would make this possible passed its first reading in the House of Representatives at the end of June. According to political observers in Prague, however, the majority for the reform is shaky again.
A month-long stalemate is expected. In a spring survey by the opinion research institute CVVM, 58 percent of those questioned were in favor of introducing marriage for all, 38 percent were against it and four percent were undecided. (dpa)