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Tag: Cannabis

How much weed do you need to smoke to significantly increase the risk of cannabis psychosis?

How much weed do you need to smoke to significantly increase the risk of...

Cannabis has been used as a narcotic by many cultures for centuries. The relaxing and analgesic effect is offset by the risk of psychosis.Like any other narcotic, cannabis...
Cannabis teacher: This is how you can tell if your child smokes marijuana: five questions, five answers

Cannabis teacher: This is how you can tell if your child smokes marijuana: five...

Cannabis is becoming legal, to the dismay of many doctors. Here, a leading psychiatrist explains how dangerous smoking marijuana, seemingly harmless, can be for children and young people...
Someone is holding a joint.

New study: Cannabis smoking may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke

Those who smoke cannabis regularly have a...
People demonstrate in Berlin at a monument with pro-cannabis signs.

Cannabis in small quantities is allowed in Germany – new law comes into force...

The German Bundestag approved the partial legalization...
Where is the smell of cannabis coming from on the US Open courts?

Where is the smell of cannabis coming from on the US Open courts?

Daft Punk's "Give Life Back to Music" blares out loud over the stadium speakers, the world as far as the eye can see, the sun is shining... We...
Federal cabinet votes for cannabis legalization: which rules should apply to private individuals - including in the car

Federal cabinet votes for cannabis legalization: which rules should apply to private individuals –...

It's almost decided: From the turn of the year, possession of 25 grams of cannabis should be allowed - as long as you're of legal age. Additional rules...