The Game of Thrones star is tired of playing the hero

Game of Thrones-stjärnan är trött på att spela hjälte

As you know, Kit Harington played one of the most popular roles in the TV adaptation of Game of Thrones, namely Jon Snow. A character who has undergone one of the greatest journeys, from naive child to scarred war veteran.

As close as possible to a real hero role in George RR Martin’s dark fantasy world. And like many others in the cast, the character has now become closely associated with the actor.

Something Harington wants to fix because, as he describes it, he’s unbearably tired of being a hero. Instead, he’s really excited to play a real guy in the upcoming Blood for Dust.

The actor told this in an interview with Entertainment Weekly where he spoke warmly about his new role and said:

“I rarely get the opportunity to play the antagonistic scumbag type and I was very happy about it. When I look at the roles I’ve taken on since playing a real hero in Game of Thrones, I have to.” I admit there seems to be some resistance to playing a hero. I’m not that interested in hero roles, and if I am, they have to be pretty anti-heroic.

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The Game of Thrones star is tired of playing the hero
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