Recent scientific evidence shows that memory and intellectual capacity It is not only a question of genetics and mental training but also of a correct feeding. Eating habits are related to good cognitive functioning and maintenance of the nervous system. That is why it is essential to include in the diet the nutrients that benefit the brain.
According to reports from the University of Navarra, Spain, the metabolism of the cells of the nervous system requires, above all, oxygen and glucose, which are essential for its functioning. Therefore, there are certain foods essential for its function, such as vitamins B1 and B12, whose deficits are associated with severe alterations in brain structure and peripheral nerves.
For our brain the task of remembering (memory) involves movement at the level of neurons, which require for this purpose a series of substances or nutritional principles provided by food.
According to the University of Navarra, these are the essential nutrients for good brain function:
The brain needs about 20% of energy that we ingest to achieve a good functioning. Its main source of energy is glucose from foods rich in carbohydrates, but it is also nourished by healthy fats.
A lack of nutrients necessary for the brain can predispose to symptoms such as apathy, irritability, nervousness, tiredness, lack of attention, memory and concentration failures. The nutrients that should be consumed daily for a full brain are:
– Omega 3 fatty acids: are positive for their effect antioxidant. In addition, they help control cholesterol and increase the capacity of arterial dilation which helps prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. They are found in the green leafy vegetables, flaxseed oil, walnut, chia seeds and certain oils.
– Vitamins of group B: are 13 the vitamins essential for the proper functioning of cells, but the ones that provide the greatest benefits for the brain are the B vitamins. This is what the doctor assures Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist, School of Medicine of the Harvard University, in his book This is your brain on food (What food does to your brain.”)
That’s why it’s so important to ensure a good intake of B vitamins through diet as they improve memory, concentration and performance.
– Vitamin B1: It is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. According to the aforementioned university, it is essential for carbohydrates and glucose to be metabolized.
Foods containing B1: whole grains, pork, green leafy vegetables, legumes, egg yolk, brewer’s yeast, liver and milk.
– Vitamin B6: It is necessary for the proper functioning of sugars, fats and proteins in the body, as well as for the development of the brain and nerves. According to the University of Navarra: “Vitamin B6 deficiencies cause alterations in peripheral nerves and are manifested by tingling in the arms and legs and dermatitis.”
According to data from the National Institutes of Health of the United States, people with poor neurological and psychological function may have deficiencies of this vitamin.
Foods containing B6: wheat germ, meat (pork and beef) and vegetabless.
– Vitamin B9: Also known as folic acid, it helps gestation in the months of pregnancy, but that is not its only function. It is needed to produce red blood cells and synthesize DNA, being one of the best to prevent injury to brain tissue. It preserves cognitive function and memory loss, as indicated by this research published in the Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
Foods containing B9: egg yolk, whole foods, legumes, beets, asparagus, spinach, tomato, melon, orange.
– Vitamin B12: It is considered as the vitaMine of memory. It contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, delays the onset of signs of dementia and improves brain and cognitive functions, especially in older people. In fact, a study has shown that the deficit of this vitamin has caused dementia.
Foods containing B12: it is mostly found in foods of animal origin such as beef liver, shellfish, eggs and dairyamong others.
-Vitamin k: Its main function is blood clotting, but several studies have shown that it has the potential to influence psychomotor behavior and cognition.
Foods that contain K: egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, cabbages, wheat germ or soybeans.
These substances are also necessary for cellular functioning, facilitating the absorption of carbohydrates. In general, there are no deficiencies of these substances because they can be found in all foods and it is not necessary to take supplements. Functions of the main minerals for the brain:
– Calcium and phosphorus: Both allow the transmission of information between neurons, regulating the mental processes that intervene in an important way on memory.
Foods that contain them: milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, egg, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and wheat germ.
-Magnesium: It strengthens memory and stimulates the proper functioning of neurons.
New research from scientists at the Australian National University’s (ANU) Brain and Neuroimaging Laboratory links the level of this mineral to a healthy, youthful brain as we age.
Foods containing magnesium: wholemeal bread, chocolate, chickpea, rice, spinach, banana, wheat germ.
-Zinc: It plays a critical role in regulating communication between brain cells that govern the formation of memories.
Foods rich in zinc: lamb, oysters, pumpkin or beef liver.
– Flavonoids: They contribute to being less likely to develop age-related memory loss, new scientific research suggests. The research was published in the American journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and led by researchers from the prestigious Columbia University and Harvard University’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. This work has become a reference to establish that a diet low in flavonoids leads to age-related loss of memories.
Foods that have flavonoids: tea, apples, and berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, among others).
– Polyphenols: Some studies suggest that polyphenols, present in olive oil and chocolate, may promote memory and cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
The University of Navarra recommended to carry out a neuroprotective nutrition “avoid carbohydrates of rapid absorption, the consumption of saturated fats or “trans” fatty acids that increase the levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol), excessive consumption of salt (especially in hypertensive patients) and excessive alcohol consumption. “
Frequent meals should be made, not very abundant, paying special attention to the fresh vegetables, fruit and fat-free protein foods (chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit).
Flavonoids: the secret ingredient to strengthen memory